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hyperse data tracker engine

A typed, smart, scalable , powerful data collection engine written in typescript


Leveraging TypeScript's static type checking, Hyperse ensures that most errors are caught during development, reducing runtime issues and enhancing the robustness and stability of front-end code.

The strong typing system also aids developers in faster code completion, refactoring, and debugging, thereby increasing development efficiency.


Hyperse integrates intelligent data collection strategies that automatically optimize the collection process based on user behavior, data changes, and network conditions, ensuring real-time data accuracy and timeliness.

It supports dynamic configuration, allowing the adjustment of collection strategies to meet performance needs across different front-end scenarios.


Optimized for large-scale front-end data collection tasks, Hyperse efficiently gathers necessary data whether in single-page applications (SPA) or multi-page applications.

Its modular design allows developers to extend and adjust collection features as needed, ensuring scalability to accommodate future requirements.


Supports multiple data sources and formats, including browser APIs, user inputs, DOM elements, and network requests, covering a wide range of front-end data collection scenarios.

Offers flexible configuration options, enabling developers to customize collection frequency, data formats, filtering rules, and more, catering to specific application needs.

Integrated with basic data cleansing functionalities, ensuring the collected data is accurate and consistent.

Front-End Friendly

Designed with front-end performance and user experience in mind, Hyperse collects data without significantly impacting page load times or user interactions.

Its lightweight design ensures smooth operation even on resource-constrained mobile devices.

Easy Integration

Provides an intuitive API that simplifies integration with existing front-end frameworks and libraries such as React, Vue, and Angular.

Supports real-time data transmission to backend systems or third-party services via Webhooks or other front-end communication methods, ensuring a smooth data flow.