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The GoogleAdapter empowers you to seamlessly integrate your Google Analytics and Google Ads event tracking within your @hyperse/track setup.

Key Features:

  • Unified Tracking: Capture and send events to both Google Analytics and Google Ads through a single, consistent interface.
  • TypeScript Typing: Enjoy robust type safety and code completion through TypeScript definitions, ensuring accurate event data and reducing errors.
  • Effortless Integration: Integrate the GoogleAdapter effortlessly into your @hyperse/track system, enabling fast and efficient tracking setup.
  • Comprehensive Event Data: Track a wide range of events, including page views, form submissions, user interactions, and more, providing you with valuable insights.


  • Enhanced Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of your users' behavior across both Google Analytics and Google Ads.
  • Improved Targeting: Optimize your Google Ads campaigns by leveraging accurate user behavior data from your website.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Simplify your tracking setup and management with a unified solution for both platforms.
  • Improved Code Quality: TypeScript types ensure accurate event data and prevent potential errors.

With the GoogleAdapter, you can:

  • Track critical events on your website.
  • Analyze user behavior and engagement.
  • Optimize your Google Ads campaigns for better results.

For more information on Google Analytics and Google Ads, refer to the official documentation:

Embrace the power of data-driven decision-making with the GoogleAdapter. Enhance your tracking capabilities, streamline your workflow, and unlock valuable insights for your business.


npm install @hyperse-hub/track-plugin-google --save