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The FacebookAdapter streamlines the integration of Facebook Pixel event tracking within your @hyperse/track system, enabling you to leverage the full power of the Meta Pixel for comprehensive data collection and analysis.

Key Features:

  • Streamlined Pixel Integration: Seamlessly integrate your Facebook Pixel with your @hyperse/track setup for a unified and efficient tracking experience.
  • TypeScript Typing: Benefit from robust type safety and code completion through TypeScript definitions, ensuring accurate event data and reducing errors.
  • Comprehensive Event Tracking: Track a wide range of events, including those essential for optimizing conversions, such as:
    • View Content: Track when users view specific products or content.
    • Add to Cart: Capture when users add items to their shopping carts.
    • Initiate Checkout: Monitor when users begin the checkout process.
    • Complete Purchase: Track successful purchases and their associated revenue.
  • Enhanced Conversion Optimization: Leverage the rich event data collected through the Meta Pixel to create custom audiences, personalize ads, and optimize your Facebook Ads campaigns for better results.


  • Improved Audience Targeting: Precisely target your Facebook Ads campaigns based on detailed user behavior data collected through the Meta Pixel, reaching your ideal audience effectively.
  • Enhanced Conversion Tracking: Accurately track conversions and measure the effectiveness of your Facebook Ads, ensuring your advertising budget is allocated efficiently.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of your audience and their engagement with your website, allowing you to make informed decisions about your marketing strategy.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Simplify your tracking setup and management with a unified solution for both Facebook Pixel and your @hyperse/track system, reducing complexity and streamlining your workflow.
  • Improved Code Quality: TypeScript types ensure accurate event data and prevent potential errors, leading to more reliable tracking and a cleaner codebase.

With the FacebookAdapter, you can:

  • Optimize Your Facebook Ads: Use event data to create custom audiences, target relevant users, and personalize ads for higher conversion rates.
  • Analyze Customer Behavior: Gain insights into customer journey stages, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and optimize user experience.
  • Increase Conversions: Drive higher conversion rates by identifying and addressing potential pain points in the customer journey, ultimately leading to more sales.

For a comprehensive guide on Facebook Pixel implementation, refer to the official documentation:

Embrace the power of the Facebook Pixel and @hyperse/track with the FacebookAdapter. Unlock valuable data, optimize your advertising efforts, and drive better business outcomes.


npm install @hyperse-hub/track-plugin-facebook --save