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Product details


  • item_id

    Property string required

    The ID of the item.

    One of item_id or item_name is required.

  • item_name

    Property string required

    The name of the item.

    One of item_id or item_name is required.

  • affiliation

    Property string

    A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.

  • coupon

    Property string

    The coupon name/code associated with the item.

    Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.

  • discount

    Property number

    The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.

  • index

    Property number

    The index/position of the item in a list.

  • item_brand

    Property string

    The brand of the item.

  • item_category

    Property string

    The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.

  • item_category2

    Property string

    The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.

  • item_category3

    Property string

    The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.

  • item_category4

    Property string

    The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.

  • item_category5

    Property string

    The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.

  • item_list_id

    Property string

    The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

  • item_list_name

    Property string

    The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

  • item_variant

    Property string

    The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.

  • location_id

    Property string

    The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.

  • price

    Property number

    01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.

    If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.

  • quantity

    Property number

    Item quantity.

  • image_url

    Property string

    The URL of the product image.

  • url

    Property string

    The URL of the product page.

  • compare_at_price

    Property number

    The original price of the product, used for comparing with the current price.

  • row_total

    Property number

    The total price of the product based on quantity.